●昭和の名作シリーズ● 大ヒットとなった「神谷琴絵のアヌスが丸見え」「真童ありさのアヌスは初めて」に加え、当社のラインナップとしては極めて珍しい、緊縛してのアヌス調教である「婦人警官逆さ吊りアヌス調教」をも収録。アナルや〇便ビデオ黎明期の名作を、再びオンラインでお楽しみください!
- Masterpiece series from the Showa era - In addition to the huge hits "Kotoe Kamiya's anus in full view" and "Arisa Shindo's anus for the first time", we also have "Female Police Officer" which is an extremely rare anus training in bondage in our company's lineup. Also includes "Upside Down Anus Training". Enjoy the masterpieces from the early days of anal and 〇 flight videos online again!