この時期の風物詩「THE 振袖」の第6弾!今作は大橋未久、今村加奈子、沙月由奈、杏とかなり豪華絢爛、美人揃い!耳を少し触れられただけでもビクビクと感じてしまうくらい敏感な可愛い子猫ちゃんたちが、感じまくり、イキまくり!艶やかな着物が乱れまくりの濃厚プレイシーンがてんこ盛りの振袖オムニバス!お見逃しなく!
The 6th edition of “THE Furisode”, a tradition of this season! This work includes Miku Ohashi, Kanako Imamura, Yuna Satsuki, and An, all of whom are gorgeous and beautiful! These cute kittens are so sensitive that even the slightest touch of their ears makes them twitch, and they cum all over the place! A long-sleeved kimono omnibus full of intense play scenes in which gorgeous kimonos are thrown into disarray! Do not miss it!